St. Catharines Animal Hospital

Emergency Procedure
Because we have a few doctors here in the clinic, we are equipped to not only handle scheduled appointments but also emergencies during regular business hours.
Allowing for emergencies helps us to treat your pets concerns sooner rather than later. Our receptionists will speak with you when you are checking in to get as many details as possible about what is going on with your pet to help prepare the doctors. We want to ensure that they are aware of all symptoms to better help diagnose your pet.

Reasons for a Same Day Visit
Some common issues we will recommend that your pet comes in the same day would be for a possible eye or ear infection. These left untreated can make the issues worse over time. If you let us know that your pet is straining to pee or poop or seems to be going more or less often than usual we will recommend seeing them the same day. There could be an infection or even a blockage causing them distress. Open wounds, excessive vomiting or diarrhea, and lethargy will all be seen on the same day if you are able to bring them in.